Balcony vegetable garden Why you need one

Balcony vegetable garden Why you need one

Our goal is to make tending a balcony vegetable garden easy, productive and (as we never tire of repeating) sustainable, starting from the materials that are  used to create it.

URBAN GARDENS – Outdoor Balcony Furniture

URBAN GARDENS – Outdoor Balcony Furniture

Building a vegetable garden in a city is no simple task, especially in the case of very small spaces. Those who do not have a terrace or garden will find the space available is often too limited for it to be practical. Most city balconies in northern Italy measure 80 cm in width and 200 cm in length. With such conditions it is fundamental we organise the space well if we want  the vegetable plot garden we build to give us the desired results.

METROPOLITAN RITUALS  Self-sufficiency and sustainable living

METROPOLITAN RITUALS Self-sufficiency and sustainable living

Earth day, greenhouse gas reduction, the use of electric or even hydrogen cars too often are only good intentions which remain unfulfilled;

TOMATO PLANTERS: How To Grow Tomatoes in Pots

TOMATO PLANTERS: How To Grow Tomatoes in Pots

Even if we decide to grow just a small pot garden, we absolutely must experience growing tomatoes, at least in some seasons. Tomatoes are annual herbaceous plants belonging to the Solanaceae family.

Caring for Outdoor Plants in Winter A Child's Perspective

Caring for Outdoor Plants in Winter A Child's Perspective

The olive trees begin to cry and their tears are round and green. A green rain. I like to watch the trees rain green.

Recycled plant pots and containers: searching for eco-friendliness

Recycled plant pots and containers: searching for eco-friendliness

In this regard we are working on a new project to provide you with an integrated garden system (with quality soil and seeds). We will tell you more about it on the pages of this blog and keep you updated.

Best vegetables to grow at home #meandgrandma6

Best vegetables to grow at home #meandgrandma6

Even when she was old, my grandma grew her vegetables next to her house.  She would put them in pots because it was easier and because having a garden was hard on her back.



Vegetable gardens are passion, pleasure, satisfaction, and above all fun. However, in cities they should also have another fundamental characteristic: they should be practical, easy to use and not require too much maintenance.