VEGETABLE GARDEN LAYOUT - How to protect against city pollution

VEGETABLE GARDEN LAYOUT - How to protect against city pollution

All that glitters is not gold, and consequently even the urban vegetable garden has its downsides. These include pollution, a serious problem in many metropolitan areas of our planet.

Urban Gardens Benefits: 10 reasons why should start Balcony Garden

Urban Gardens Benefits: 10 reasons why should start Balcony Garden

Urban Gardens Benefits: the importance of starting a Balcony Garden, 10 reasons why you should not wait any longer.

Balcony vegetable garden Why you need one

Balcony vegetable garden Why you need one

Our goal is to make tending a balcony vegetable garden easy, productive and (as we never tire of repeating) sustainable, starting from the materials that are  used to create it.

Humus, fertilizer and nutrients for plants

Humus, fertilizer and nutrients for plants

Humus is a complete substance because in addition to various nutrients, it also contains microorganisms that are useful to the plant's root system.

Caring for Outdoor Plants in Winter A Child's Perspective

Caring for Outdoor Plants in Winter A Child's Perspective

The olive trees begin to cry and their tears are round and green. A green rain. I like to watch the trees rain green.

Grandma gardening tomatoes

Grandma gardening tomatoes

One summer, a tomato plant appeared in Grandma's garden that I had never seen before.

Growing Tomatoes Properly | All You Need to Know

Growing Tomatoes Properly | All You Need to Know

Humus is a complete substance because in addition to various nutrients, it also contains microorganisms that are useful to the plant's root system.

Towards Ethical Consumption and House Farming

Towards Ethical Consumption and House Farming

Over the past fifty years, global consumption of raw materials has almost quadrupled, surpassing the growth of population. In fact, in 1972, we consumed 28.6 billion tons of natural resources; this rose to 54.9 billion in 2000 and to over 100 billion in 2019. Added to the acceleration of the primary resource consumption is the growth of waste, as 90% of these resources are not part of the production cycle: the circularity index today stands at 8.6%, even lower than that recorded in 2018 (9.1%).

How to grow the best tomatoes

How to grow the best tomatoes

The most suitable tomatoes for growing indoors are the bush tomatoes that do not need a stake because they do not exceed 30 cm in height.

Planting Tomatoes in Pots: How to Take Care of them

Planting Tomatoes in Pots: How to Take Care of them

When I was little, I used to spend a lot of time hiding among the tomato trees. But at that time I never thought about planting tomatoes in pots.