Everyone Talks About Jocondo The Smart Garden

Jocondo is our SMART GARDEN that is taking shape and will be marketed before the beginning of summer in the standard 40x60cm version equipped with all the revolutionary technology we are designing.

After winning the Disegni 2022 call for proposals, we obtained a major grant that allowed us to start the development of our innovative project.

Sole24Ore, Italy's most prestigious financial newspaper, also talks about us in this article about Jocondo The Smart Garden

Jocondo will also be available from the beginning in the two extendable formats so far:

  • Vertical: 40x120cm
  • Horizontal: 60x80cm

To create the world's first 'Lego garden' model

We are preparing the pot's structure (final mould) and the commercial infrastructure (new website and e-commerce). With the former, we will start the production of the pots and with the latter, we will be able to start online sales.

Discover Jocondo The Smart Garden  and register for the presale to get it at the lowest price ever.



The House Farmer's connected, smart urban garden

First 100 pieces by next spring, then the e-commerce route

by Sara Deganello

31 October 2023

A connected, smart pot to grow salad and tomatoes in the city. This is what The House Farmer will produce, a Milanese start-up created during the lockdown that has now received a new 250,000 euro grant following the awarding of the Disegni 2022 call for tenders: this is in addition to the approximately 300,000 in initial capital and participation in various calls for tenders. They will be used to produce, next spring, the first 100 pots developed, designed and patented in-house, together with a proprietary digital platform that will allow the pots to be remotely controlled and networked. If this first part of the plan is successfully concluded, the next step will be to open an e-commerce for marketing at the end of next year, relying on the communication agency Brandband from which the project originates.

"The lockdown allowed us to realise how much we needed a new concept of metropolitan horticulture that would lead to having a vegetable garden in the house or on the balcony," explains Guido Parazzoli, CEO of The House Farmer, as well as Brandband and Mediaticamente. All with the enhancement of technology. The product that the start-up will bring to market is not just a pot, a modular planter with wheels for movement, with an internal reservoir - a sock in which water percolates - that guarantees a water autonomy of 20 days. Above all, it is a connected container with home automation functions.

Jocondo, this is the chosen commercial name, has in fact a purpose-built micro-controller with Bluetooth, wi-fi and LoRa (long range telecommunication technology) connections. "In particular, we have developed an algorithm based on LoRa that allows communication between pot and pot. And if there is no connection, the pot tries to use another one as a bridge: this feature allows the pot to operate in places where the internet does not pick up as long as it is between 3 and 15 km from another Jocondo. Especially crucial in BtoB,' adds Parazzoli.

The web platform to which it is connected, via an App, enables remote control of Jocondo. As well as giving access to a series of tips for the home farmer. Sensors for temperature, humidity, air quality (PM 2.5), ambient light, battery percentage (to which a solar panel can optionally be connected), remaining water level, PH send information on crops, from sowing to vegetative stage to harvesting, requiring consequent actions. "In the future we will be able to integrate an AI to assess the health of the plants and thus advise our 'house farmer' in a more timely manner," Parazzoli further specifies.


Discover Jocondo The Smart Garden  and register for the presale to get it at the lowest price ever.

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