Why are bees important. How you can save the world with your balcony garden

Why are bees important. How you can save the world with your balcony garden

Vegetable gardens on our balconies help our urban bees and offer them a small natural area where they can carry out their precious work.

URBAN GARDENS – Outdoor Balcony Furniture

URBAN GARDENS – Outdoor Balcony Furniture

Building a vegetable garden in a city is no simple task, especially in the case of very small spaces. Those who do not have a terrace or garden will find the space available is often too limited for it to be practical. Most city balconies in northern Italy measure 80 cm in width and 200 cm in length. With such conditions it is fundamental we organise the space well if we want  the vegetable plot garden we build to give us the desired results.

TOMATO PLANTERS: How To Grow Tomatoes in Pots

TOMATO PLANTERS: How To Grow Tomatoes in Pots

Even if we decide to grow just a small pot garden, we absolutely must experience growing tomatoes, at least in some seasons. Tomatoes are annual herbaceous plants belonging to the Solanaceae family.

Plant Psychology - Which would you rather smell?

Plant Psychology - Which would you rather smell?

I like both the smells of the countryside and those of the city, but the countryside smells sweet, and cities could do with a bit more countryside.

Sustainable balcony garden: less impact on the earth #meandgrandma3

Sustainable balcony garden: less impact on the earth #meandgrandma3

The problem in the cities is the fine particulate dust which can be deposited on the leaves and fruits as the balconies and terraces are not always sheltered from the smog.

Veg for garden... as the wind blows #meandgrandma2

Veg for garden... as the wind blows #meandgrandma2

Would you like to grow a vegetable garden on your balcony? Or maybe you have tried but you think your small balcony is too exposed? This article is just what you need!

Vegetable Garden, from the farmhouse to the terrace #meandgrandma1

Vegetable Garden, from the farmhouse to the terrace #meandgrandma1

My grandma, the memories I have of her and the advice she gave me are the inspiration behind my urban horticulture. I started five years ago and now, at least during the summer, I hardly ever need to shop at the supermarket.