URBAN GARDENS – Outdoor Balcony Furniture
Building a vegetable garden in a city is no simple task, especially in the case of very small spaces, so it is important to manage space in the right way and choose the right outdoor balcony furniture.
Those who do not have a terrace or garden will find the space available is often too limited for it to be practical.
Most city balconies in northern Italy measure 80 cm in width and 200 cm in length.
With such conditions it is fundamental we organise the space well if we want the vegetable plot garden we build to give us the desired results.
Even if we only have a few square meters to work with we should not be discouraged. We can take advantage of the window sills and place small vases on iron structures outside the balustrade. Clearly we are talking about containers of a very small size and in which we should not think of growing anything which becomes too heavy or tall, such as tomatoes or zucchini, as they will risk capsizing. Instead, we should opt for a salad or our much loved basil or other aromatic herbs, for example sage or rosemary.
A more intricate solution, yet not to be excluded, is to also to choose outdoor balcony furniture to use the space above, maybe even hooking vases onto the structure of the balcony of the above floor. These containers should, however, be even smaller and be fixed to the balcony below as well so as to avoid any dangerous tilting, as in the case of strong winds. It is clear such an option can become somewhat anti-aesthetic and might not be appreciated by other residents, as well as reducing the amount of light entering the house and representing more of a problem than a solution in the management of our garden. An elevated pot can only be watered manually due to the difficulty of having tubes reach it which also risk being precarious and difficult to fix to the structure.
Going back to our small balcony, we need to make the most of the long side and the two much shorter lateral sides by using every centimeters available. To make good use of the space available, we can also think of placing small pots on the two sides adjacent to the French window, finding different solutions if they are of differing dimensions.
Once we have defined the context, we are ready to get to work on the logistics of the pots.
To make the most of the space, I would recommend rectangular containers not exceeding 40 cm in depth / width, to allow both the opening of the doorway/French window and a minimum of mobility, especially in cases where the depth of the balcony does not exceed 80cm.
In balconies of this size it is less advisable to use round pots as they do not fit together and take up precious space which could be used for growing.
In small spaces the main objective is to choose OUTDOOR BALCONY FURNITURE in order to maximize the area available for growing. Even a small vegetable garden, if well organized, can give a lot of satisfaction in terms of crops yielded through passion and a pinch of innovation.
We should particularly opt for pots which are easy to move as well as to store at the end of the season and during the winter months when they are not used, thereby giving us that extra space to move around on the small balcony.
Finally, as the space we are working with is small, we should not neglect the aesthetic aspect as in this case the pot will once again take on a central role in our environment.
The pots should all be the same and possibly made of the same material, favouring what is most recyclable.
Also, we should factor in the possibility of changing their "look" after a few years by renewing the protective external covering without great cost. This would avoid us having to replace the internal structure if this is well preserved despite the constant exposure to atmospheric agents.
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